Atlassian VS Code Extension - unable to log in, JavaScript error

Adam Baxter
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 2, 2024


VS Code version 1.90.2, extension versions 3.0.9 and 3.0.10

Upon clicking the "Sign into Jira button", I get a black screen.




Opening up the VS Code Developer tools, I see 

mui.e844955e.js:1 Uncaught Error: Material-UI: 
The color provided to augmentColor(color) is invalid.
The color object needs to have a `main` property or a `500` property.
at _ (mui.e844955e.js:1:187300)
at x (mui.e844955e.js:1:188146)
at t.a (mui.e844955e.js:1:192011)
at I (mui.e844955e.js:1:204986)
at mui.e844955e.js:1:208190 at
qi (mui.e844955e.js:1:114503) at
hu (mui.e844955e.js:1:160909) at
sl (mui.e844955e.js:1:153442) at
ul (mui.e844955e.js:1:153367) at
Zu (mui.e844955e.js:1:150376)


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Bo Zhao
Rising Star
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July 2, 2024

Hi @Adam Baxter 

Were you trying to build your own UI for Jira login? The error pretty much says the problem

The color provided to augmentColor(color) is invalid. 
The color object needs to have a `main` property or a `500` property.

Every colour in your palette must have a main property, you may be missing one or more, may I know how you define your palette in your code?

Adam Baxter
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 2, 2024

No, this is Atlassian's code in their own Visual Studio Code extension.


I do not work for Atlassian.

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