Approval before issues can be worked on

Mateo Prado November 17, 2011

Is there a way to block all issues (or some) from being worked on until they are approved by the project lead or person responsible?

Thank you in advance

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Norman Abramovitz
Rising Star
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November 20, 2011

You will need to modify your workflow to create a new state before the open state (or after open). Then create a new group that only members of that group can transition from the new state to open (next state).

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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November 20, 2011

That won't stop someone logging work against it before it's approved - I'm not sure, but I think that is the question here?

Radu Dumitriu
Rising Star
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November 20, 2011

Yes, it is possible. Create 2 security levels, one with ability to log work, the other one without. Create the workflow as shown above and switch the security level on the issue between the two using either a custom postfunction/listener.

Some plugins that may help you do this:

Have fun and tell us how it works.

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