Any way to force comments when work is logged?

Rick Crow
Rising Star
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October 17, 2011

We have a project just for capturing admin time for things like company meetings, breaks, outside appointments, etc. For all issues in that project, it would be tremendously helpful if there were a way to require comments to be entered when a user logs time against an issue, or edits a worklog.


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Viðar Svansson
Rising Star
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November 6, 2011

You can configure the comment (description) to be required in Tempo:

3 votes
Peter Shiner October 25, 2011


Comment Required Validator


A Comment must be provided during the transition.


JIRA Misc Workflow Extensions

Several JIRA workflow extensions

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Rick Crow
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 22, 2011

Forcing comments on transition doesn't work for this project as there are no transitions. The project only has 4 active issues at any given time and all users report their admin time to one of these 4 issues ... which are always 'In Progress'. We then clone them at the end of the month and close the previous issue of that type to keep each issue from getting overly cumbersome to work with due to the large number of work logs posted against each month's admin issue type.

Looks like the only way to make this happen currently is by spending more money on Tempo. That's unfortunate ... but looks like what we'll be doing.

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Jo-Anne MacLeod
Rising Star
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October 25, 2011

I don't believe that there is any easy way. If you want to diable the log work and make it only available via the workflow then there are certainly some options. But just for the log work, nothing that I know of.

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