Allowing Extended Administration in Jira Server

Mike Eberhardinger May 31, 2019

Should this functionality be enabled for all projects, no projects, or only some projects?  What is your thinking / reasoning behind your answer?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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May 31, 2019

Some, possibly all.

If you have a project that is trying to track a business process closely, used by a lot of the business and doing a lot of cross-project reporting, you really don't want to allow extended administration.  If a project has admins who don't really know what they're doing (sorry, it's quite sad I had to mention this one, but I've seen it so many times, I had to mention it), then don't give them the access.  If you have a project with admins who do know what they're doing, and want flexibility, go for it.

Example - a big site with an operations team keeping stuff running, with strict process for change control and monitoring - locked down projects.  Rest of the projects were for developers and had the functions enabled for them.  Development project admins were handed the permission after they have about 4 minutes training on "why we don't want you to change X".

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