Alias email & google apps

Claudio Maubert
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October 17, 2018

Hi, I've registered the account with an email alias to my main email account, I've also invited that main email to join into that account as a member.

The issue now is that after enabling the SSO with google I'm not able to login anymore using the alias account I've used as the admin of the account.

Is there any way to fix this?

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Jon Espen Ingvaldsen Kantega SSO
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October 18, 2018

I'm not sure whether you operate in a server or cloud environment and which SSO solution you use, but with the latest version of our  Kantega SSO add-on for server, you can both select different username attributes for user lookup and transform them through regex expressions.


Hope this can help your problem.



Jon Espen

Kantega SSO

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