Agile board

Marzi Goodarzian May 5, 2018


I want  my board ordered by assignee in projects, so that any assignee be in the her/his issues together. For example assignee X has 20 issues, so  X and his 20 issues be together in board.

How do it do ?


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Walter Buggenhout
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May 5, 2018

If your aim is to support your user, probably the best way to provide this functionality is through the quick filters associated with your board.

Each board automatically has a filter Only my issues. When clicked, the board will only show the issues where the logged in user is the assignee.

If you want to group issues by assignee, you could also use swimlanes for that. In Board Settings, select swimlanes and choose the option Base swimlanes on assignee:

Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 13.04.07.png

Marzi Goodarzian May 5, 2018


Thanks @Walter Buggenhout

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