Agile Classic hour burndown chart - not available

Rumceisz August 12, 2014

Hi Everyone,

we want to use Agile Classic hour burndown chart gadget but only a group of projects can be chosen in the list. We have a scrum board for a project but the project cannot be chosen in the gadget. It seems to us that only projects having classic boards can be applied in the gadget. But we cannot create classic boards anymore.

Could you please help?



2 answers

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Trevor Try
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August 2, 2016

so how can one see more than basic burndown chart? including accuracy,burnup,daily velocity???

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Rising Star
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March 12, 2015

Most likely you know already - but classic boards are deprecated in JIRA Agile. New boards created with JIRA Agile, e.g. not Greenhopper, will therefor not show up in the classic gadgets.  

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