After successfully connecting our Confluence Datacenter to Entra using the Atlassian documentation
I am now trying to do the same with Jira.
So far i have not been able to find anything that does not include the classic SSO requirement, and I can't seem to find any confirmation that this is possible (Confluence did this)
Both Confluence and Jira are setup using the standard Atlassian SSO plugin, and this should continue working. The goal is to just "add" the Entra Guest users that we invite with the B2B Entra invite. The solution in Confluence was to limit the Sync to just get one Group, and the members thereof. This group is then added as an additional Licence Group, and the members can use there Entra Guest account, to access our on-Prem system.
is this possible in Jira ?
can anybody point me in the right direction ?