Add progress bar to track User story/Bug/Task inside ticket n display it at scrum board per ticket

Sagar Yadav November 6, 2017

Hi there,

I want to know if we can add Percentage bar inside ticket which can be displayed at Ticket level on scrum board.

There was discussion on but seems to have no mature end.


Reason I want to have progress bar in percentage is to know how much amount of work in pending on that particular ticket. Just at high level for management purpose so that I dont have to re-do it in excel and keep on asking developers again and again.

4 answers

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edward_curran August 26, 2020

Use workratio gives you logged time / original estimate




Logged time 6 hours / Original estimate 3 hours = workratio of 200%

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Saâd DIF November 15, 2018


We tried to do the same thing but we didn't find an easy way to do so.


We managed to "hack" the "Log Work" feature to use the "time spent / time remaining" in order to display a progress bar under the cars in our board.


The "trick" here is to log a first time the time spent as the ratio of the work done and the remaining time as the ratio of work to do.

For example, if you first log 20h spent and 80h remaining estimated the progress will be 20% (20h/100h).

After that, you can log another 40h to have a progress of 60%. And then add 60h to be at 100%.


This is a feature used in a completely other way it was build for but it works.

Premal_Bhavsar May 24, 2020

Hi could you please elaborate how you managed to the hack. I have a similar requirement. Thanks

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 24, 2020

It's not a hack, they're just putting poor data into the estimate field and then logging incorrect amounts of time to make it appear like a progress bar.

edward_curran August 26, 2020

Use workratio gives you logged time / original estimate



Logged time 6 hours / Original estimate 3 hours = workratio of 200%

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 6, 2017

Off the shelf, there's no percentage bar, but there are add-ons that can provide them.

The reason there was no mature end to the previous discussion was that no-one would answer the question "what progress are you measuring?" with anything useful.  I don't think you have that problem, as you've suggested you're looking at estimates and time logged.

Sagar Yadav November 8, 2017

Hi Nic,

Use of JIRA is now wide and not only to track software development, but also other activities.

E.g. Technical Task stories, this stories may need Progress Bar to track how many percent of work is done at higher level. And this cannot be achieved by Estimated Time and Remaining Time.

There are task that are created at the start of the sprint and they last almost  couple of sprints. Just in order to know how much work has been done under those technical task tickets, it would be good to have something like progress bar with an option to select how much is completed i.e 10,20 or 60 % which reflects on on ticket at high level as progress bar. I hope it makes sense.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 8, 2017

Percentage of what?  What are you measuring when you say "progress"?

Sagar Yadav November 8, 2017

Percentage of work done to complete the task. To measure progress in other words. Say if task has 3 items, 1. Create schema, 2. Create tables and 3. Upload data.

1. Create Schema is done = 33.33%

2. Create Table is done = 33.33%

3. Upload data = Business has still not provided list of data to be uploaded, therefore = 33.33% is still pending.

Total progress on ticket = 66.66%  which can be shown as progress bar and viewed at scrum level.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 8, 2017

So progress here is "Number of sub tasks complete / total number of sub-tasks".  That should be quite easy to code for.

Sagar Yadav November 8, 2017

Yup, "Number of sub tasks complete / total number of sub-tasks"

But in this case Sub Tasks are not created outside the ticket. Kind of Checklist option. If we have 4 items they get divided into 25% or division happens on number of sub items we have created. Do you mean by coding internally as a JIRA admin?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 8, 2017

Um, I don't quite see that - you say they're not sub-tasks, but then they are sub items - which is a synonym for "sub tasks".

Yes, you need code to do this.  I don't know of any apps in the marketplace that will do this for you, but I would take a look before diving into code.

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Nicolas Seronvalle November 6, 2017


As far as I know you can add the original and remaining estimate, but not a percentage bar. 

However there are some reports that may help you. You could check the "Time tracking report" or the "Version workload report" (some documentation: ).

To have a more high level view you can also have a look at the gadgets on the dashboard , "Jira Roadmap" for instance.

But it also depends on what you want to show to the management, is it about a print, a version or some issues in particular?

Sagar Yadav August 7, 2018


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