About "Update change history for an issue and store the issue in the database" in Post Functions

Steven Bergstein October 9, 2011

The documentation at http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Configuring+Workflow?showComments=true&showCommentArea=true#addcomment says that four optional post functions must be positioned before the 'Update change history for an issue and store the issue in the database' post function. Why is this? What does the "Update change history" post function do, specifically? I'm trying to understand for other post functions where they need to be relative to that function - I'm seeing odd behavior with "The Field ResolvedBy will take the value from LastUpdatedB" positioned after "Update change history . . .".

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Steven Bergstein October 26, 2011

After much discussion with Atlassian support, it appears that the sole purpose of "Update change history" is to create documentation of the change. This documentation is the information displayed on the "Change History" tab of an issue. Other than a lack of documentation, nothing bad should happen if this step is omitted or placed incorrectly.

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