A custom field that enters resolution date when issues are resolved.

Anthony August 12, 2022

A custom field that enters resolution date Automatically when issue is resolved.

When a jira issue is Resolved ie transitioned to done or closed status.

I want to set a custom field that can enter the date that ticket was resolved automatically.

I have looked at automation rules and not sure this can be done.

What are the ideas, no plugins or 3rd party apps please.


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Alexis Robert
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August 12, 2022

Hi @Anthony , 


there is actually already a field in Jira that contains this information, it's called "Resolved". You can show it in your Search, as you can see in this screenshot : 


Screenshot 2022-08-12 at 11.56.06.png


Let me know if this helps,



Anthony August 12, 2022

I know of that but am looking for a way to show the resolution date on a jira issue ticket so to speak as mentioned in my entry above.

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