Проблема с созданием задачи в месяце "МАЙ"

Дмитрий Прогонов
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 30, 2020

Добрый день!
Проблема в создании задачи в месяце "май" 05.
другие месяца в данных полях принимаются нормально 
пишет что ошибка в синтаксисе. Версия Jira Software 8.2.1
версия русская, пробовал изменить системный язык , результатов не дало,
Дата вписывалась:
-через меню календаря

2 answers

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Дмитрий Прогонов
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 6, 2020

Вы все верно поняли! хорошо попробую обновиться.
у меня техническая поддержка заканчивается завтра,
Смогу ли я обновить jira после окончания тех поддержки?

для обращения  к вам лучше использовать английкий? или вполне будет достаточно русского языка?

заранее спасибо.

Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 6, 2020

Hello @Дмитрий Прогонов

I'm glad to know I was able to properly understand your request (Google translator is awesome!). :)

Answering your new questions:

Even if your Jira license expires, you will be able to upgrade to any versions released before your license expired. That being said, you should be able to update Jira to the versions where this bug does not happen anymore (8.8.1 or 8.9.0) even if your license is expired, however, any new versions deployed after your license expires, will not be available to you.

About the language question, I believe we're properly understanding each other, however, if you need more detailed information or any of my instructions are not that clear to you, I can try to find a community champion that could help me to translate my answers to Russian.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

0 votes
Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 2, 2020

Hello @Дмитрий Прогонов

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Per your description, I understand that you are facing the error displayed in the screenshot when you select any day in the month of May in a date picker field. Is that correct?

Indeed, this is a known bug in Jira Application that we have already reported to our dev team:

Date picker for Russian Language for the month of "May"

The bug was already fixed in versions 8.8.1 and 8.9.0, so you can upgrade your Jira application to properly fix it.

To work around the bug while the application is not upgraded, you manually add the month name as мая instead of май.

Let us know if you have any questions.

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