Have you ever wasted time using the wrong information? Are users requesting to add incompatible apps? Are you getting config advice from ChatGPT? Here’s what you need to know:
Correct Documentation
Official product documentation is available at: https://confluence.atlassian.com. The documentation includes information for end users and a handy guide specifically for administrators.
For Cloud: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-cloud-administration/resources/
For Server and Data Center: https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/administering-jira-data-center-and-server-9-11-applications-938846803.html
It’s important to know that there are multiple Jira application types and multiple deployment types. They are:
Deployment Types
Data Center
Application Types
Jira Work Management (Cloud)
Jira Core (Server and Data Center)
Jira Software
Jira Service Management
Jira Product Discovery (Cloud)
Additionally, documentation in Server and Data Center is categorized by version.
I spent two days reading the documentation for the wrong version. (No wonder things weren't matching up!)
Always make sure you and your users are reading the right information and considering compatible apps for your application type, deployment type, and version.
Artificial Intelligence
Bonus tip: Additionally, be slightly skeptical of information provided by artificial intelligence. One of my clients likes to ask ChatGPT Jira configuration questions. Three times they’ve received incorrect instructions! I’m glad I was there to refute the information.
Rachel Wright
Author, Jira Strategy Admin Workbook
Industry Templates, LLC
Traveling the USA in an RV
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