When you sign up for a Jira instance or install an app from the Atlassian Marketplace, there are a few fields that are used by a Jira product or the app. These fields are considered system fields and are “locked” upon their creation.
Though they are system fields, they show up in the list of custom fields, but include a “Locked” label beside them. These are fields like Affected Service, Approvals, Category, development, Epic-related fields, Flagged, Goals, and others.
If you have a popular Checklist app, you will see locked fields associated with various Checklist fields. Some of these fields are related to Jira Service Management and will not show up with Jira only instances.
Okay, duly noted – now how do I unlock them so I can modify them or set the context in some way. Well, you can’t. Seriously? Nope, you can’t so stop trying. 😊
These fields cannot be unlocked, deleted, or edited in any manner. You can add the locked field to a screen or view the field details, including applied contexts and associated screens, but that’s pretty much it.
Why these fields show up in Custom Fields but other fields like Due Date, Summary, etc., don't is somewhat of a mystery to me. I believe the most likely answer is that these system fields do not get rolled out to every created instance but are product or app dependent.
Therefore, there is no built-in system name like duedate, created, resolved, and so on. So to make use of them in automation rules you might need to find the custom field ID for them. But that little "Locked" label makes us want to try to pry them open.
Currently there is an open JAC ticket for you to vote for and follow if you are keen on getting access to these mysterious fields.
JRACLOUD-64188: Ability to unlock system field, to Configure it
Or if you are looking for more information, you can find additional documentation here:
So, for the sake of generating some discussion, which field would you most like to edit in some way, and what would you like to do?
John Funk
Jira Systems Administrator
ProVision Systems
Dubai, UAE
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