We are creating high number of projects every week and we'd like to have capability to clone (or copy, or use a defined template) from a "customized reference project" so that all new projects get the same defined new issue types, fields, status, rules...
Is this currently possible? If not how other teams are managing this case? Missing this feature makes us losing good amount of time for each project, in addition to the risk to have some config errors due to human mistakes....
Second point, we'd like to have a field for each team member per sprint to indicate his/her availability during future sprints so that team can perform better planning (since each team member indicate upfront his unavailability due to holidays, training, other project works etc...) Is this part of the roadmap? Cheers
@patrickt010 is this comment section the best place to give feedback about that's important for customers to have in NG projects? Should I be voting on some bugs somewhere?
Personally I'd really like the ability to close issues without marking them as done or deleting them. For example I'd like to record "won't fix" issues so others don't spend time filing duplicate issues.
Please urgently add disappearing features from the right column and backlogs when releasing the release, as it was in the classic version. This is a huge problem now. after migration, we have hundreds of features hanging and cluttering the Board.
Last year was the first year using Jira with my team. Creative and administrative people working with the same app is amazing...! Thank you!
It's still a little bit complex... but... you've been getting better.... Last year we just have been working just with "to do's" - "tareas" and now we are working doing more "epic to do's" to see the progress of the project.
I really have hope that Jira is gonna be the best app to work with teams...! Don't stop continuing to improve please...!