Your macOS app is really nice and great to use (smooth, quick, clear, etc.).
As an admin there is a lot of features which are missing (advanced settings or Dashboard), but I understand that you iterate and this is not a priority.
However, there is a very annoying thing in Kanban project, where you are not able to move a backlog's ticket into a board.
The feature exist in Scrum project (as you can see bellow) :
But no way to do the same in a Kanban project (see bellow).
So we must go back to the web version to move tickets from Backlog to Under development Board (very very annoying).
It would be very useful to fix this.
Otherwise, thank you for the efforts you made to bring Jira better than ever ;)
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 8, 2019 edited
@John Hi John, you seem to have uncovered a rather big bug for us! Thank you! We are going to get this fixed.
Within classic projects, you can successfully move issues to the board, but it doesn't seem to be working for next-gen projects at the moment. All part of ironing out the wrinkles in a new app! Thanks again.
Thank you for this, it is certainly is a smooth and fast experience.
My only feedback at this stage are,
Basic search - It feels jarring to click the search bar top left and be taken to a modal instead of typing directly in.
JQL Advanced search - No JQL? - I spent my lunch hour investigating this in case I was missing the feature or how to use it. It's a huge part of my day to day Jira usage and sadly something I'll need to pop out into browser to use. Any word about it being in the pipeline? I'd settle for typing a character in the search bar to activate (Similar to a formula input on a spreadsheet) and typing free text JQL
Darkmode - Its great but not perfect. I get the occasional white modal pop up with is unpleasant.
Otherwise thank you for this and I will continue to note my feedback.
Stephen - the mac app doesn't currently display fix versions on cards. However, we'll continue taking feature requests on-board.
Michael - the app doesn't currently support JQL search, but we'll continue to monitor its demand. And rest assured, we're working hard to iron out the kinks such as dark mode bugs. They're crafty, those bugs, appearing in unexpected places!
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 9, 2020 edited
Hi @Olivier De Smaele, push notifications in apps work independently of one another, therefore clearing a push notification from iOS won't clear the same push notification from the mac app. Similarly, clearing push notifications won't erase the notification from the notification tab/page in the app/browser.
Are you having to clear the same notification from one notification tab/page three times? Or the same push notification from a single app three times? If that's the case, it's a bug you can report and we'll investigate for you.
Two issues that force me not to use the Mac app: - In the backlog tab I can’t choose an epic and see only the related issues. - In the backlog and the sprint tabs, the card layout isn’t as I configured it in Jira for web, I want to see the development status, the labels and the components of each issue card.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 9, 2020 edited
Hi @katayama86, is there a modal dialogue open at the same time? If an issue is open from the board, or issue search is open, on top of the app itself, the preferences option will be greyed out in the menu. If you close the modal dialogue, preferences should become available again. Reach out if this doesn't fix the issue for you.
Loving the app but one thing is beginning to bug me.
When using with a Service Desk project and you are typing a response and hit return is send the msg, this is rather annoying as I end up sending messages half typed and as it defaults to reply to customer it looks unprofessional.
Can an option be put in the settings to select if you want to send on hitting return or a click respond button?
i have been using it for awhile now but ultimately it isn't going to work for me. 80% of what I do is associated w/ administering the product and for those purposes the app simply is not a solution. The other 20% of the time I am a user and generally the app works well though it is so different it takes time to learn. I think for pure users it likely is a good solution or will be once 'complete' but for someone that must use the browser version switching back and forth is just unnecessary complexity and confusion. While I would like to keep it installed to use from time to time the issue is that anytime I click on an email notification it opens in the app and that isn't what I want/need. I need the ability to configure which solution is used when clicking the link. Maybe that is doable and will look for that before I remove the app.
At this stage, hitting return will post the comment, unless you hold shift at the same time. We'll continue to take feedback on board, and potentially revisit this feature in future.
Similarly, unfortunately @Jack Brickey there aren't any plans on the horizon to build admin functionality for the app. I don't believe there's a way to configure universal links to open the web version by default if you have the app installed, but I'll do some research and let you know if I find out otherwise. I'll pass your valuable feedback onto the team.
Richard it is important to understand that the Mac app is possible because the iPad app can run almost code change free on the macos due to support in Catalina. For Atlassian to have an app for windows will require Atlassian to spend $1m. Where is the ROI? Better for u to drop windows and get a Mac. Windows is so crap after all.
I've just downloaded the app, seems ok but I'm stumbling on a stupid issue ... How do I move a version to the "released" state ? I cannot find a way to access a version specific screen, I can only see the versions and filter from status (released/unreleased/archived btw these labels are not translated to French yet) but I could not figure out how to "release" a version ...
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 30, 2020 edited
Hi @Charles-Edouard_Ruault, this feature hasn't arrived (yet). In the app, you can view and edit versions via the Releases tab at the top of your project, but (at the moment) you need to release versions via web. I'll pass on your feedback re: French translations, thanks for letting us know!
In the MacOS app - Why don't a sprint's start/end dates appear below the sprint name, the way they do on Web version? Is there a way to turn this on/off? They only way to see sprint date that I can find in app is to click "Edit Sprint" which is a hassle, and introduces unneccesary risk of accidentally editing dates/sprint.