I hear online betting is really big now. I wonder what odds we could get on any of these getting implemented in say, 2 years? (I'd be happy with just AUTO-1668.)
I believe our best approach is to focus on AUTO-1612. It addresses a similar issue as AUTO-1668, but AUTO-1612 is recognized as a bug and might be prioritized over a suggestion? If they resolve this bug, it could potentially address the suggestion as well. Even if it doesn't, the clone function is perfect for everything we need via automation until AUTO-1668 is implemented. Still, if you read this and have time...please vote for both!
It's worth noting that the implementation for Action Items took 9 years, despite having many votes. That was a suggestion JRACLOUD-47605
I have used Actions a little recently. One problem I have come across is that when I go back to edit the actions as completed by clicking the checkbox, I have in multiple situations had the formatting erased. It switches to markdown and is unable to be restored.
Anybody know why this could be happening?
I should add that the whole description gets overwritten by what is stored in the description of the parent Epic.