need admin approval

Benjamin December 1, 2023

Hello has anyone seen a program when logging in even for some existing users. Pop up browser says need admin approval.  This is from outlook log inneed admin approval.jpg.

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Jehan Bhathena
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December 1, 2023

Hey @Benjamin ,

From the image that you've added, it looks like outlook is trying to access Jira via some app. Since this is initiated from Outlook, it is most likely that the app is trying to route it's request thru some (Azure Enterprize) app to Jira, and in order for both these tools to communicate you need to provide consent. From the image, your Org's Azure admins have restricted anyone from using apps that they are not authorized to use.

Few resources that might help explain these:



If you want to solve the above error, would suggest getting in touch with your Orgs' Azure admins and asking them about the app that has "" in it's url.

I understand this maybe a confusing answer, but I hope it helps identify the reason for the pop-up.

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