How to map Workflow?

Elly Meenan June 15, 2023

Can someone give me step by step instructions on how to configure this?
I almost had it layed out but now the ability to jump between workflows has disappeared so I'm back to square one.

I want to have two separate workflows.
One with the issue types (Projects & Contracts) and the other with the Projects, Contracts and ability to see tasks and sub tasks associated with them.
Essentially one view will be like a 'shop window' where you just see an overview of the projects and contracts and the other view will show you everything and allow you to work on the tasks associated with those cards

In the first workflow I want these status'
Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 14.56.54.png
and in the second I want these
Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 15.00.41.png

I should be able to switch between the workflows by using these buttons
Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 15.00.17.pngScreenshot 2023-06-15 at 15.00.27.png

Thank you!

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Jack Brickey
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June 15, 2023

Hi @Elly Meenan ,

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “switch between workflows”. You can change issue types which would change the workflows, but I’m not sure that’s what you really mean. Maybe you mean you want to different board views one for your projects and contracts and then another board for your tasks in subtasks. If this is the case, you simply need to create an additional board and ensure that the underlying filters for each, your boards reflects what you want to see. Assuming this is the case, you can simply create a new board and set it up for your tasks in subtasks. And then change your existing board to be projects and contracts only. This can be done by going to board settings and general, and then edit the underlying filter. If I’m on the right track and you need assistance with this, let me know where you’re stuck. 

Elly Meenan June 15, 2023

Hey Jack
I want to essentially create a separate workflows for the Epics (Projects and Contracts) from the Tasks. Then on the board, you can see the Epics in one shot and then click into one to see the details of the Epic (i.e. the tasks). 

Jack Brickey
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June 16, 2023

The ability to click on an epic and have it expand into its children isn't how the Jira board works exactly. You can certainly open an issue by clicking on the card and in that view see its children in a list view. From there you can click into any child.

Elly Meenan June 16, 2023

Hi Jack,
I'm probably not explaining this well enough. Can you have a look at what John has replied with here 

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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June 16, 2023

So do you have two different conversations on the same topic? I am a bit confused. Sorry.

Rereading this original post I come back to what I think you're asking for, but again, not sure. It seems like you want a board view that has a list of columns that represents your workflow. Moreover, you want the list of columns displayed to change based upon the workflow/Issuetype selected. 

it seems that you indeed have the two workflows already set up, correct? I'm not sure what you mean by jump between workflows and what actions would accomplish that.

All that said, if you're on the right track with John on the other thread, then I would focus my attention there. Well, I certainly want to help. I don't want to waste your time though. all that said, if you're on the right track with John on the other thread, then I would focus my attention there. I certainly want to help but I don't want to waste your time due to my head-scratching. 😉

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