item list/price calculator

dennish_dcsorg_com February 28, 2024

We used to use Elements Checklist for this but they've discontinued the product. It had the ability to create item lists and you could set a price for an item. When you pulled up the dropdown list that was configured you could choose the item and a quantity. It would then show the total price of the quantity entered for that item. Somewhat like an invoice but we used it for internal tracking only. So if Bill sold 3 widget1 @ 4.00 ea and 4 widget2 @ 6.00 the line items would show:


Widget1     3       $12.00
Widget2     4       $24.00


Is there something else like that available?

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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February 29, 2024

Table Grid should be an option to consider.

It will allow you to work with tabular data as an issue field. It allows defining types for the columns, so picking the item and forcing the quantity should be doable. I am not sure if it supports formulas to calculate the line total though...

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