create issue in epic gives result "null for uri" or "epic with key " does not exist"

Anne Jensen May 2, 2016

2 answers

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Anne Jensen May 12, 2016

I used to be able to click "+" buttom with the name "create issue in epic"  on an epic.

I didnt´t have to enter the epic name, as I was already on the epic, which seems logical for me.

Now I create an issue and afterwards click "edit" and add the epic,

I wonder what the purpuse of the "+" buttom is when issue can´t be added to an epic

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Deleted user May 3, 2016

I seem to remember something like that... I entered the description data, but forgot to enter the Epic Name (the short name). It appears JIRA will let you do that, then errors out when you try to attach stories.

Hope this helps.

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