capture "first in progress date" and keep this date all other statuses except for 2 statuses

Samar Elsayed May 27, 2021


So, I have created a scripted custom field called "in progress date" which capture the last date the issue was "in progress" status but wipe that field when the status change to any other state other than "in progress"  and I could do that successfully using the below code :

package com.onresolve.jira.groovy.test.scriptfields.scripts

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.log4j.Level

def logg = Logger.getLogger("")

def changeHistoryManager = ComponentAccessor.getChangeHistoryManager()

def createdTime = ''
def createdtime = ''

def created = changeHistoryManager.getChangeItemsForField(issue, "status").reverse().findResult{
it.toString == "In Progress" || it.toString == "In Development" ? createdTime = it.getCreated().getTime() : "no date for in progress status" }

//logg.debug( created )
//logg.debug( createdTime )

createdTime ? new Date(createdTime) : null


but now I need the date to not be wiped when the status is changed from in progress to Done in addition to the other condition which is (wipe that field when the status change to any other state other than "in progress"

meaning that wipe the last "in progress date" when  the status change to any other state other than "in progress" except when the status changes from  in progress to Done

So how Can I achieve that ? 


Update : I have figured out a way and it is in the first comment


1 answer

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Samar Elsayed May 28, 2021

// capture "first in progress date" and "last in development date" and keep these dates on all other statuses except for "Backlog" and "Ready for Dev"

package com.onresolve.jira.groovy.test.scriptfields.scripts

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.log4j.Level

def logg = Logger.getLogger("")

def changeHistoryManager = ComponentAccessor.getChangeHistoryManager()

def createdTime = ''

//def l = changeHistoryManager.getChangeItemsForField(issue, "status").reverse().first()

def firstprogcreated = changeHistoryManager.getChangeItemsForField(issue, "status").find{
it.toString == "In Progress" }

def progcreated = changeHistoryManager.getChangeItemsForField(issue, "status").last().find{
it.toString == "In Progress" }

def lastdevcreated = changeHistoryManager.getChangeItemsForField(issue, "status").reverse().find{
it.toString == "In Development" }

def devcreated = changeHistoryManager.getChangeItemsForField(issue, "status").reverse().first().find{
it.toString == "In Development" }

def with = changeHistoryManager.getChangeItemsForField(issue, "status").reverse().first().find{
it.toString == "Requires Design" || it.toString == "In Design"|| it.toString == "With Source" || it.toString == "Blocked" || it.toString == "Done" || it.toString == "Cancelled" || it.toString == "In UAT" }

def other = changeHistoryManager.getChangeItemsForField(issue, "status").reverse().first().find{
it.toString == "Backlog" || it.toString == "Ready for Dev" }

switch( true )
case { !(firstprogcreated == null ) && (progcreated || with ) }:
createdTime = firstprogcreated.getCreated().getTime();
logg.debug( "progcreated " + createdTime );

case { !(lastdevcreated == null ) && (devcreated || with ) }:
createdTime = lastdevcreated.getCreated().getTime();
logg.debug( "devcreated" )

case { (other) }:
createdTime = '';
logg.debug( "other " + createdTime );


//logg.debug( progcreated )
//logg.debug( devcreated )

//logg.debug( l )
//logg.debug( "devcreated2 " + createdTimee )

createdTime ? new Date(createdTime) : null

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