You do not have permission to edit this issue

Klaus Foerschl July 23, 2019

Hello all.

We have a severe issue related to (restricted) workflows and handling issues by backlog and boards.

It is, that, if we want to move around issues within the backlog to either another position in the backlog or to any sprint, we get the error message "You do not have permission to edit this issue".

I strongly assume, this is caused by the fact, that we have very restrictive workflows, which typically disallow Editing (by use of jira.permission.edit.* workflow property).
The background for this design is, that we live in a very (non agile) development environment which has to ensure data consistency for certification reasons.

Such a workflow typically only allows, by transitions and transition specific screens and conditions, that only permitted roles can edit particular fields in particular states.

But, obviously things like movements in the backlog also require edit permissions.

Can anyone point out, how to overcome this issue?
What could be options to prevent everybody from editing particular fields withour preventing from using the backlog drag-and-drop features?
Maybe define a very basic Edit screen (with only uncritical fields to change) within the issue specific screen scheme + introduce a status specific Edit transition on any status, offering only maybe more fields?
Or maybe using behaviours provided by ScritRunner?

Is there maybe / hopefully a more Jira internal way of achiving this?


Thanks in advance.

1 answer

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Klaus Foerschl August 6, 2019


Obviously i either have choosen a not very public headline or there's really not much to say.

However, we had to overcome the issue and here is what we have done.
1.we eliminated all workflow properties which prevented editing in the different statuses
2.we created a screen scheme with only one screen, containing all necessary fields
3.we added ScriptRunner behaviours which programatically hides/unhides fields, dependent on status/user's project role/....

By that we have no edit permissions at any time for everyone, but on GUI only particular fields are available for modifications, even if the Edit screen does generally contain all fields
Hence, drag and drop in backlog is now possible.

The flip side of the coin is, that only on GUI we are save.
Modification of all fields of such an issue, e.g. by REST API, is still possible.
So, it's not a real and clean roles and permission handling :-(

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