Where is "...more (•••) > Board settings"?

Jan Mikulecky April 4, 2020

Project type: Business project - task tracking

Where is "...more (•••) > Board settings"? mentioned here: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/configure-estimation-and-tracking/?_ga=2.106830979.1454131808.1585940716-893684079.1576606252

1 answer

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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April 4, 2020

Hi Jan. I suspect you are looking at the default project board for your business project. These boards are created by default when a business project is created. These boards are rather simplistic and non-configurable. You can creat a full Kanban board if you wish which will allow you to configure it. To do so you will want to do the following:

  1. go to the Boards view where all boards are listed
  2. click on Create board
  3. choose from existing project, kanban
  4. for location choose your profile at the very bottom 
  5. on you project page use Add item to add a shortcut to your new board
Jan Mikulecky April 5, 2020

Hi Jack, many thanks for the reply. I have no large experience with Jira, so one more question: how can I get to "Boards view"?

I went through many articles like this:

To see all the boards in your Jira site:

  1. Click Search (in the global sidebar).
  2. Under Recent boards, select View all boards.


Access board settings

If you need to see both the selected issue and the rest of your scrum or kanban board, you can choose to open the new Jira issue view as a right sidebar. To do it, go to a board and choose ••• > Open issues in sidebar.

...and I'm sorry, I do not see what they describe.

I've tried both types of projects. Classical and NextGen. And I'm looking for what project I should use to find "Go to your board, then select more (•••) > Board settings." as described here:


Sorry, if my question is a little stup... but I'm very beginner.

Many thanks for the help.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 7, 2022

Hi @Jan Mikulecky ,

occasionally I come across an earlier post where I had responded and then the author asked follow-up questions. Unfortunately I sometimes miss these so for that I apologize. If you still have any questions around this topic please let me know and I will try to get back to it. Use an @ mention so I will be sure to get the notification.

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