What are the configuration options for all the out-of-box reports and gadgets

Abdul Kader Broachwala December 27, 2019

What are the configuration options for all the out-of-box reports and gadgets (except Agile reports and gadgets)? What is their behaviour and expected results?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 27, 2019

That is an essay question that would be best answered by copying and pasting all the documentation.   That's not what we're here for.  I recommend you read the docs for the gadgets.

Abdul Kader Broachwala December 27, 2019

I am only asking questions which I am not able to find the answer and the documentation is not available. and If the documentation is available, I am looking for some clarity as I am preparing for my certification. I did read about the reports and all the different gadgets available. Here is the link: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/reporting-in-jira-461504615.html

This is my full question for which I am looking for some clarity: "What are the configuration options for all the out-of-box reports and gadgets (except Agile reports and gadgets)? What is their behaviour and expected results?"

I do understand for what purpose a community group has been created. 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 27, 2019

There are almost 100 gadgets available on the first Jira I looked at.

No-one is going to write an essay on that for you.  

First hit on a search engine for me was https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/GADGETS/All+Atlassian+Gadgets and if you read the links for each gadget on the link you gave, they are documented there too.

Please, don't ask us to repeat all of that.  Read first, then ask about the parts you don't get if you are still stuck.  Don't expect other people to read and then repeat it all for you.  We're not a search engine and we're certainly not here to copy and paste the documentation.

Abdul Kader Broachwala December 27, 2019

I never ask anyone to do so. I posted the question to get some clarity. First of all, I am not asking about all the gadgets and I am not sure If you got the question correctly. Secondly, If you think you are there to write an essay for me. Going forward please do not reply on any of my questions. Thank you for your help with the earlier questions. 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 27, 2019

Yes, you absolutely did ask for "everything".  The title of the question is "What are the configuration options for all the out-of-box reports and gadgets".  My emphasis on the all, but that is exactly what you asked for.

I do know that you probably did not mean what you said.  I am guessing you have some questions, but as you just asked for everything, you left me with a choice between

  • copying and pasting all the docs
  • several hours of typing (which can't fit into the community system limits)
  • referring you back to the documentation that already covers it.

I do know that I do not understand what you want.  But your question is "please tell me everything".  The only answer I can give to that is 42.   Not "please explain 3000 settings in a lot of detail".  If you could explain what you are really stuck on, we might be able to help.

Abdul Kader Broachwala December 27, 2019

If you read my complete question in detail section "What are the configuration options for all the out-of-box reports and gadgets (except Agile reports and gadgets)? What is their behaviour and expected results?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 28, 2019

I did read that, and I answered it.  There are hundreds of gadgets and thousands of [possible configuration options for them. 

These are all documented in the links you and I both gave, and there's no point trying to repeat all of that here.

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