Upgrade attempt from Ubuntu 16.04 to 20.04 broke mail notifications and marketplace connections

ilter February 21, 2022


Yesterday, I backed up our Jira Server (v8.12.1) and tried to upgrade Ubuntu from 16.04 to 18.04.

During upgrade I got perl and apache version incompatibility errors and because of these issues, upgrade was cancelled.

After that attempt, restarted the server and checked jira modules and pages, and everything was working fine - was planning to revert back to the backup if that wasn't the case.

Today is monday, and people started using Jira, and I realized a message at the administrative pages in Jira.

"The Atlassian Marketplace server is not reachable. To avoid problems when loading this page, you can disable the connection to the Marketplace server. Click here for more information..."

Then I realized the mail queue and mails were stuck at the error queue.

No matter what I tried with the outgoing email test page, I couldn't manage to make notification emails work. So, it's too late for restoring from the backup since people started using Jira today...


I suspect that these issues arised because of the perl version installation during the Ubuntu Upgrade. I was asked to upgrade from a 5.22 version of perl to 5.26, and I said YES. After that, Apache version mismatch came up and didn't succeed (that was the error failing the upgrade).

Now I think that reverting back to the default Perl version that comes with Ubuntu 16.04 may fix that issue.

Do you have any comments about the idea of Perl downgrade? Would it work?

I am down for a new server installation and upgrading to the latest version of Jira on a new box, but need to fix that too, until I manage that.


Thank you for your comments!




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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 21, 2022

My guess would be that your upgrade to the operating system re-instated a set of default firewall rules, ones that are blocking Jira from reaching the internet (for the marketplace) and your mail servers (so it can't send mail)

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