Subtask Status Automation Error

Celina Kim March 28, 2024



One of our automations started getting error and stopped working. However, I don't know how to fix it so I need your help. 

This is the rule itself:


And, when I check the audit log, this is the error message:


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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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March 28, 2024

Hi @Celina Kim 

My observations and questions for this one are...

1) That is a curious error message, as it seems to indicate the rule has multiple-project scope, but the log's Scope column indicates it is for one project.  What is the scope of the rule: project, multiple-project, or global?

2) Is this a company-managed or team-managed project?  You may find that information at the lower-left side of the page expanding area.

3) What is the issue type of SFE-4856?

4) Which project has an id of 10011?  You can identify that using the REST API and entering this in a browser tab:

your Jira URL/rest/api/3/project/10011

Then look for the key value on the page.


Kind regards,

Celina Kim March 28, 2024

@Bill Sheboy 

Thanks so much for your questions. I was able to figure out the issue while I was figuring out to answer to your questions. 
I figured out what 'project 10011' means and it helped me to determine what was the issue with the automation. I should have removed the project from the rule since our team has completed it, and we've also adjusted the permission set.

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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March 28, 2024


Was the rule multiple-project scope, and removing that project fixed it?

Celina Kim March 28, 2024


I initially believed the automation would continue functioning despite a permission set change in one project, so I only investigated the project where the automation failed. However, it appears that when using the 'Multiple projects' scope for a rule, any changes in one of the projects will halt the automation with an error for all other projects as well.

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