Org Admin no longer with the company.

sgover February 26, 2024

Our one Org Admin is no longer with the company and I need that level of access to perform administration tasks. How can I get that role if that person is no longer at my company to appoint it?

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Walter Buggenhout
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February 26, 2024

Hi @sgover,

Shoot ... Atlassian will first of all ask you to try and reach out to the former Org Admin to let him/her add another Org Admin so you can unblock this yourself, as this is a role with the highest level of access to your system.

If that is not possible, you should reach out to Atlassian support where they will - rightfully 😉 - challenge you to explain the situation and prove that it is indeed correct that this happened and that you have tried everything you could to resolve this internally.

After it gets settled, make sure you never end up in a situation again where there is only 1 org admin anymore 😛

Hope this helps!

Trudy Claspill
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February 26, 2024

Adding to this...

Was the Org Admin using an account/email/login assigned and managed by your Company? If so, then your Company should be able to reactivate that login, change the password, and allow another person to login under that identity to add other users as Org Admins.

This is a good example of why it is important to have more than one Org Admin and have good off-boarding procedures for ensuring you always have a more than one Org Admin.

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