New Issue View and Time Estimates

Tom Cooper February 15, 2019

Our use case is when we are sprint planning, we will collaboratively plan out an issue using sub-tasks, and create hour estimates for these tasks, setting our original estimates and the remaining hours for these tasks.  

Prior to sprint planning, team members will add tasks and estimates they think are necessary in order to streamline the planning meeting.

Occasionally, an estimate needs to be changed either because of team discussion or because it was entered incorrectly.  There is a Time Estimate field on the new issue view, and we can change that, however, it only sets the remaining hours when it is initially set.  If we update this number from 2 to 6, the remaining hours stay at 2, while the initial estimate changes to 6. 

We are using a pretty vanilla Scrum template for the project, and have the Tempo Timesheets addon for our time tracking.

The only solution we have found is to go to the old view, where we can update the both the original estimate and remaining estimate.  The remaining time can be updated using the tempo panel, but only if you are logging time to the issue, which we don't want to do, nor is it feasible to expect whoever picks up the issue corrects the remaining hours because they remember there was a mistake.

Is there a solution to our problem that we aren't seeing, or is this a known issue that will be fixed?  

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