Modifying gadget source code

man mihai June 9, 2014


I opened source code editor with F12, and I modified a gadgets name, but when i refresh the page it will return to prevois state.

I cannot save the changes, is there anything i have missed?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 9, 2014

You've not really told us enough about what you're doing. F12 does different things in some applications, and if all you're doing it trying to edit the web page, that's never going to work because when you refresh the server serves up the correct page, not your edits.

Could you explain in more detail what you are doing and what you are looking for?

man mihai June 9, 2014

Yes, sorry.

Well i tried modifing the source code from the browser so that some gadgets would show a different title (for example "Two Dimensional Filter Statistics" replaced with" Issues Submitted today") with no (edit minimize, delete or color option) in the top right.

As you said this will not be permanent as when the page is refreshed the edited gadgets will return to normal.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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June 9, 2014

So, is there still a question? It's working the way it should, and I'm not sure what you're expecting or trying for.

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