Jira Notification customization.

Sundareswaran K September 4, 2018

We have "N" number is task created in our project And each Task have 12 sub-task. Can we customize the notofication scheme as below.

1. If Sub-task 1 maked as "Done" notification will got to Assignne, Requester & watcher of Sub-task 2 that "Step 1 completed, kindly complete Step 1 which is assigned to you".

2. If Sub-task 2 maked as "Done" notification will got to Assignne, Requester & watcher of Sub-Task 3 that "Step 2 completed, kindly complete Step 2 which is assigned to you".

3. There are 12 sub-task for each issues in sequencial order. We have added the due date for each Sub-Task, Kindly set a notification that assignee, Secondary assignee, watcher & Reporter will get email for the last 10 due date. The text should be. "Kindly complete the sub-task xxx befor due date mm/dd/yyy".

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 10, 2018

Hi Sundareswaran,

The notifications are sent based on the assignee, reporter and watcher of a ticket, so if you close a sub-task, only agents that are on the sub-task will receive notification, as it uses the same scheme as other issue types.
I believe that the best option, in this case, is to use an add-on, as Email this issue where you can send a customized notification and choose who will receive.
Also, we have a feature request suggesting the implementation of the ability to use another email template for sub-tasks:
- https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-60296

Hope this helps.
If you have any other question, please let us know.


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