JQL execution sequence

Sergii Shevchuk November 14, 2019

What is the sequence of execution statement in JQL and should it be in some way optimized?


Is there a difference in performance between

jql = 'created >= "-{days}d" AND project = "NDSHA"'


jql = 'project = "NDSHA" AND created >= "-{days}d"'


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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 27, 2019

Hi Sergii,

If I understand your question here, you are looking to better understand how JQL will parse out the elements in the query so that you can optimize the query being made here.

When you run either query Jira will simply return to a list of issues that match both criteria.  The example you provided here is simple enough that I do not believe you should be seeing any noticeable performance difference between them.  

However I would recommend checking out Factors contributing to JQL performance in Jira server. It explains in more detail the various factors that can have more of a noticeable impact on JQL performance in Jira Server.  And I am also a fan of Chris Fullers response to a related Community thread over in https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Answers-Developer-Questions/Re-How-to-optimize-JQL-queries-are-there-any-guidelines/qaq-p/567784/comment-id/105439#M105439

If you happen to be using Jira Cloud, well, I'm not quite as well equipped with information in regards to the current state of what impacts JQL performance in Cloud.  The basics of the functions they perform are the same, but Cloud being a different platform presents potentially a different answer here.  Please let me know which platform you are using here.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this.



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