JIRA ticket statuses were suddenly disapperaing on some ticket.

Lakshmi S June 8, 2021

Hi Team.

 We have recently upgraded our jira to v8.13.3.  The ticket statues were suddenly disappearing. I have faced the same issue in two scenarios.

1. We had faced the issue that ticket statuses were missed (especially on Task issue type), i did fix the issue with copy the same workflow and reapplied to workflow schemes, after that statuses were appeared, and happening same with newly created tickets. The issue was fixed after restarting the jira services.

2. Today suddenly happened on random tickets on different project (TASK issue type), i have followed the procedure to fix this issue (copy the same workflow and reapplied to workflow schemes).

As per some Atlassian docs, i have tried to run the workflow integrity checker , but receiving 405 got 504 Gateway Time-out.

Could you please suggest on this.



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 8, 2021

What do you mean by "issue status disappearing" and "issue status were missed"?

Did a load of issues spontaneously change to a different status with no warning and nothing in their history?  Or did they just drop off a board but retained the same status?  Or were you unable to search for "status = <something>"?  Or something else?

The integrity checker was a good idea, but just to reassure you - it can time out on larger Jira systems, giving the errors you see.  There's nothing wrong, it won't have damaged anything, but it is a known problem that it can fall over like that.  On a slightly more positive note, the integrity checker would not have helped if status has been removed or lost somehow, other than making issues with a "broken" status work again.

Personally, I'd be checking the logs for indexing issues next, but I'm not sure I've understood the symptoms of what you're seeing in full.

Lakshmi S June 8, 2021

Hi @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- ,

 Thank you for your quick response. The below red color part was missing.


Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 8, 2021

Ok, that's the workflow section, not really status, it's listing the transitions out of the current status into others.

There are three reasons it might vanish

  • An admin removed your permission to transition by amending the workflow
  • An admin removed your permission to transition by messing with the permission scheme or group/role membership that the permission scheme uses
  • A fault where the two places the workflow for an issue is stored go out of line - Jira gets confused and offers no transitions in this case.  It's fixed by someone running the integrity checker or changing the current workflow 

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