I want to see a list of rejected stories

Rachel Wilson February 6, 2018

I am currently cleaning up the backlog and rejecting stories- because I cant tell where these records are kept- I am taking a screenshot of every single story I reject so I have a record of it. Is there a simple way to run a report on all rejected issues so I dont have to keep a separate log?

3 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 6, 2018

How are you "rejecting" them?

Rachel Wilson February 6, 2018

I am going to more actions actions from the ellipsis and then typing in Rejected

and then I get a pop-up where I can add a comment and click on a "rejected" button. 

Untitled picture.pngUntitled picture2.png

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Bruno Moreira
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May 21, 2021

Hy Rachel,


What you are looking for is to know the tickets that have been in the rejected state at least once. To see that you can use the following:


status changed to REJECTED


I hope that this is still useful, if not for you, for others :)

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Thomas Deiler
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February 6, 2018

Dear @Rachel Wilson,

I guess that with rejecting you mean a transition that leads to a status callesd "rejected" or similar.

If this is the case the issue is not gone or deleted. You could get a report by copy&paste this JQL to the Jira search advanced:

project = XYZ AND status = "rejected" and issuetype = "Story"

Then you can export the result as an XML, XLS or Word (button in the upper right area).

This does not work if you mean "delete" with "reject" - then the issues are gone forever.

So long


Rachel Wilson February 6, 2018

Thank you for helping me. Yes I mean rejected- not deleted. I tried to use that search string and I got an error. 


Untitled picture3.png

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 6, 2018

Use the actual project key, not the placeholder xyz.  Try "NIM", as we can see you have a project with that key

Also, do not assume "rejected" goes to rejected, it may be some other status.

Rachel Wilson February 6, 2018

That worked but I got no results---- hmmmmm....

The rejected ones I have pulled up-their status is closed. Which doesnt allow us to differentiate. I am starting to create a flag/label named "rejected" and putting that on all stories I reject. With that being said- could you provide me with a search string that involves stories being closed with that flag? 

Thomas Deiler
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February 6, 2018

Dear @Rachel Wilson,

If you add another label to the system field "label" field, the query would look like:

project = "NIM" AND labels = "<your flagging label>"

So long


Jack Brickey
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February 6, 2018

I may be missing something but on the surface the label seems unnecessary maybe? I'm not a huge fan of labels even though i do use. they become unwieldy at times. Please discard the following if it isn't helpful.

Rejected issues (stories, tasks, enhancements, etc.) should be a transition to Done w/ the appropriate resolution code (Rejected or just use the default Won't do). You can then easily run a report of all stories that were rejected via...

project = nim and resolution = rejected

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 6, 2018

I'd recommend a workflow change - when "rejected" transition is used, use "set field" post-function on resolution to set it to rejected.  Then "project = NIM and resolution = rejected" will give you a result without you having to think about doing labelling or resolving it yourself.

Rachel Wilson February 6, 2018

Thomas- that isnt pulling results either- using 

project = "NIM" AND labels = "<rejected>"

To use what Jack suggests- would I ask an admin to add "rejected" and/or "wont do" as resolution codes? I noticed that I cannot edit that field in JIRA. When I go into edit mode- I dont see that field as an option. When I am just viewing the story- I see that field as "unresolved" in an open story but I cannot edit it. 


Thanks for all of your help. Anything that helps me not have to keep as separate list of everything I reject is helpful. Especially considering we have open stories from 2015. 

Jack Brickey
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February 6, 2018

If you are not an admin you need to ask them to do the following:

  1. ensure that Resolution is a required field when marking the issue to Done (assuming that is your final status)
  2. (optional) If you want an actual "Reject" button ask them to add a transition from the open status (To Do?) and name the transition "Reject".
  3. make sure that there is a "Won't do" resolution code and if you want a "Rejected" code (though redundant) then ask the admin to add that resolution code.

Going this path you can easily use dashboard gadgets and filters to illustrate "rejected" storied vs. accepted stories.


oh and BTW, i expect that the reason your query isn't working is that you have the "<" symbols. just use ... AND labels = rejected. assuming your label is rejected

Rachel Wilson February 7, 2018

Yes- I removed the <> and it worked! so now I can reject things without having to keep a list somewhere- I just have to remember to add that tag. 


I dont think resolution is a required field when making something done- but I havent marked anything done yet. This is how our rejected button looks now. 

I am going to talk to our admin about adding a transition from the open status to the rejected status.


Untitled picture4.png

Jack Brickey
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February 7, 2018

remembering to add a label is where labels breakdown IMO. I would definitely go for the WF approach. The "Rejected" button indicates you already have a transition in the WF for this. Can you provide a snapshot of the workflow? You can see this just to the right of the Status where there is a (View workflow) link. If the Resolution isn't required when "Rejected" is selected then you just need your admin to add that field via the transition screen.

Rachel Wilson February 7, 2018

Here is an image of our workflow



Jack Brickey
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February 7, 2018

well that is hard to read. :-)

actually what i need is the view from the edit WF view w/ "show transitions" selected. this has to be obtained by the admin. So at this point since you need him/her involved I would recommend you reach out to them and point them to this thread and  my earlier response. they will understand. of course you can stick w/ labels too.

Rachel Wilson February 7, 2018

I meeting with the admin tomorrow- thank you much for the help. 

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