How to display target start and target end on the Gantt chart in portfolio?

Mayane March 13, 2018

Hi there,

I have been trying to display my epics on the Gantt chart in Portfolio, but even though they do have a target start and a target end, I have been able to visualize only one epic with one timeline (the first one on the backlog)

How is it possible to display all my epics with there target start and target end on the Gantt chart ?


Here is a screeshot of my Gantt  :

(Blue frame : the epic displayed on the Gantt | Orange frame : the epic i wish to display on the Gantt)

Roadmap doesn't display target start and target end.png

Thanks a lot for your help :)




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Chelsea C
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 10, 2018

Hey Mayane,

You'll need to jump over the to the Target schedule in order to see these dates on the timeline. To this, go to the Schedule settings and select Target schedule from the drop-down menu. 


You should then see dark blue bars above your items with target dates as pictured below.Screen+Shot+2016-12-15+at+11.44.37+AM.pngCheck out this page for more info:

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