How do you map OKR's in Jira?

Alina September 30, 2019


I would like to include OKR's to a task card so the assignee can be aware of what we are trying to achieve and why. I thought about using the ''Components''.

But now I don't know if I need to add the objective or key result or both since the task is an initiative. And how link that with the OKR template.

Thank you :)

3 answers

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 1, 2019

Hello Alina,

Thank you for reaching out.

Usually, JIRA users choose one of the options below to properly map OKRs to their JIRA issues:

1 - Configure a select list custom field with all the OKRs details and descriptions to be selected in the issue.

This option would be more useful if you have not many details in your OKRs, with a brief description that would not add to much text to your issue view.

2 - Add the OKRs to a public web directory (E.g: Google Drive) or a public web page and link it to the issues as described in the documentation below:

Creating a link to any web page URL

This second option can be used to  get your OKRs docs in an external directory and linked to your issue view, however, the authentication to access those files would need to be performed externally in the application you are using.

3 - Use the Confluence application to properly set your OKRs, linking the confluence page to the related issues as described in the documentation below:

Creating a link to a Confluence page

This would be the most efficient approach, allowing you to have a full authentication and integration with your JIRA issues, however, it would have the cost of the Confluence application.

Let me know if one of the options above help you achieve your need. :)

4 votes
Weronika Spaleniak Appfire
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
September 30, 2021

Hey Alina!

If you or anyone in a similar situation would like to connect their issues easily with OKRs and be able to view the OKR connected to the issue on the issue view, then having a dedicated OKR plugin could work.

In our OKRs for Jira, you'll get an "OKRs" field on issues in which you can both view and connect the OKRs to the issue. See below:

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 13.48.13.png

After you click on the OKRs field, you can see what's connected already + connect other OKRs to this issue.

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 13.48.24.png



Weronika Spaleniak
Product Lead @ Digital Toucan

1 vote
Margo Sakova - OKR Board for Jira by Oboard
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
February 29, 2024

Hi @Alina  

The setups vary wildly, but here are the most convenient, from my perspective:

1. Jira Product Discovery Project adjusted for OKRs management
2. Advanced Roadmaps for establishing a custom hierarchy between OKRs and actual Jira Issues
3. Jira's Custom "Select list, cascading" field configured as OKRs
4. OKR Board for Jira

I've covered all of them in my Jira OKR Handbook.
Hope it helps!

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