How do I show all my tickets on Kanban Board if I have Backlog activated?

SuperGreen January 19, 2022

Hi I am working with the Company Version of Jira.  I have set up a Kanban project and have enabled the Backlog option for it. 

When I click on the "Backlog" side-panel option; I only see the tickets on the board with the To Do/Selected (Version) status, but the other tickets on the board don't show?!

I want all the Tickets that are on the Board to show here; regardless of their status.  Can someone help with this?   

1 answer

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Rodney Nissen - ReleaseTEAM
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January 19, 2022

Hello @SuperGreen 


It's actually fairly easy to disable the backlog again within a Kanban board.  First click the elipses on your board, then go to "Board Settings."

Screenshot 2022-01-19 173944.png


Once there, go to Columns on the left hand sidebar, and remove the status from the "Kanban Backlog" space on the far left and place it into another column.

Screenshot 2022-01-19 174121.png

Screenshot 2022-01-19 174137.png

SuperGreen January 19, 2022

Hi Rodney thanks for the reply, but that isn't what I want to do.  My issue is that on the Backlog screen I only see Tickets in the 'Selected for Development' column.  I want to see all the tickets on the board in the Backlog Screen. 

I attached two screenshots; as you can see Test Ticket 2, 3, 7 are missing from the Backlog screen and it only shows Ticket 1 and 4.  I want to see all the tickets on the board in Backlog screen.  How can I make this happen? 


Italo Qualisoni
January 19, 2022

@SuperGreen ,

I don't see any issue with your screenshots. The idea of enabling Backlog is to remove the issues from your Kanban and have the Backlog area designed to prioritize the work.

It's expected that you see in the Backlog only the first column of your board , which is "Selected for Development".

It's not possible to have multiple statuses in the Backlog view, so I'm afraid that it's not possible to achieve what you are looking for.

SuperGreen January 19, 2022

Hi Italo, Thanks for letting me know!  That's okay, I guess I wanted to be able to see all current tickets on the board like we do when we are in SCRUM mode.  But alright, I'll work like this; it's just unfortunate because I have to go the Board view to actually see all the current 'In Progress' and 'Review' tickets.  

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