How can I filter issues for an specific Sprint so then I can export them to a word ?

AL CR March 7, 2018

Hello everyone,


I have the next need,

I need to filter in jira, issues for an specific Sprint and then export them to word, in order to have the entire description of the issues. 

But when I apply the filter for the specific Sprint, example Sprint 5, jira shows me all issues related to Sprint 5. Even the ones that had work in nexts or previous Sprints. Watch the next capture:


What else can I do to my filters or is there any other way to fulfill my requirement in Jira?






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March 7, 2018

Sprint is unique and have specific ID. You can use JQL to filter issues from a specific sprint. You can use this guide to find and use it -

You need to be sure to use specific logic in your JQL and use () to keep logical items together. Start with all issue with a sprint and then filter it down (depends on your need)

AL CR March 7, 2018

I have the next query, (as I interpret you)

project = FDI AND Sprint = 550 AND issuetype in (Improvement, Story) AND status in (Completed, Closed, Done, DELIVERED) order by lastViewed DESC


It is still showing next and previous sprints. 

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March 7, 2018

It is because issue was associated with both sprints. Maybe it was not resolved in one and then completed in another.. or simply included in two sprints. You need to check the value of the Sprint field on the Edit screen (if not there - add it).

AL CR March 7, 2018

Mirek thanks for your answer. 

Ramesh October 27, 2021

Hi can help with query to find issue in specific sprint for a specific issue type and status ?

similar to above question but not able to achieve by removing issue type 

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