Hide project from everyone but Members, Assignees and Reporters

Carlos Rocha May 5, 2017

Good day, I have a project in which I have a group as members and another group for assignable user. Right now I configured so Mambers , assignees and reportes can browse the project and issues, but my problem is that everyone in the instance can see the project. They can see and enter the project, but cannot see the issues within it.  Is there a way for them not to be able to even see the project? 

Why this configuration? It is an executive kanban board where Directors follow up their area tasks. They can assign tasks to Managers, but Managers can only see their assigned tasks. 

I appreciate your help!


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 5, 2017

This is a very specfic semantic point.

Reporter = person who reported the issue

Reporters = the people who might report an issue

When you use "reporter" in the permission scheme, you are not saying "the person who reported it", you are saying "anyone who might report an issue", or in other words, "anyone who can create an issue in the project".You haven't shown us the exact settings for who can "browse project", so I can't be sure what is happening, but I suspect what I just typed might explain it.

Carlos Rocha May 5, 2017


Carlos Rocha May 5, 2017

Hi Nic, thanks for your reply. I just tried removing the "Reporter" from the Browse Project permission, but either way another group called "Garage" (that is not even in the scheme) can see the project. Here I add a screenshot of the current settings. 

Carlos Rocha May 5, 2017

BTW, we work with Jira Cloud, if this makes any difference

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