Flag for Impediments

Cyril James November 3, 2023

I've been searching a while and can't find this answer.

Does the Flag feature in Jira mean Impediment only, or could it mean anything you assign.  If so, where do you assign 

If I flag a story, how can I automate notifying the requester that the story was just flagged and why.


Thank you!

2 answers

2 votes
Walter Buggenhout
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November 3, 2023

Hi @Cyril James,

The flagged field is a locked system field. So you cannot alter its configuration. It has only the impediment option and when you flag an issue, that value is selected.

While flagging an issue from a board, Jira offers you the option to add a comment. Depending on your notification settings, adding a comment can already send a notification message to certain people (as defined in your notification scheme).

You can also use automation to send a notification message, when responding to the issue edited trigger, where you can specify you want to specifically respond to the flagged field being updated.

Something I used to do quite commonly myself, was adding a list of flagged issues to a Jira dashboard, so it becomes easy to keep track of everything that is blocked - even across multiple projects.

Hope this helps! 

Cyril James November 13, 2023

Thank you.  I think sending an email notification to the issue Reporter would be nice.  Do you know of a way to do this.

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May 16, 2024

@Walter Buggenhout  I found a Knowledge Doc (https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/flag-an-issue/) stating basically the same thing you did above: 

"The flagged field is a locked system field. So you cannot alter its configuration. It has only the impediment option and when you flag an issue, that value is selected."


But in our environment, we have all of these and no understanding of how it go there or how to clean it up. Thoughts on how to unlock it so we can remove the extra options? Or thoughts on how they got there in the first place? 


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