Find out who updated ticket

Erik Vesterlund July 23, 2019

When querying Jira by assignee, I want to see who made the last update.

I've been using this to query Jira by assignee, across projects:


This gives me the last updated ticket assigned to assignee, and when that ticket was updated, but it doesn't tell me who did the update. In particular, I want to be able to check if assignee did the update or not.

In the Json output I don't see any fields seemingly related to this, so how can it be done?

2 answers

0 votes
Mobily Monks July 29, 2019

Hi @Erik Vesterlund 

Along with ScriptRunner plugin, we also use  JQL Extension plugin  which has 100+ JQL custom keywords for issues updates stack filtering.  It has been useful so far for my team.

You could easily fetch info. of who has last updated the issue ticket. 


I would suggest you can explore a lot more referring plugin documentation 

0 votes
July 23, 2019

Hi @Erik Vesterlund 



You will use this JQL


lastUpdated("by my_username") AND updated >= -d ORDER BY updated DESC



Erik Vesterlund July 23, 2019

Hi @PVS , thanks. How do you suggest I put that in the jql I wrote in OP? The following do not work (using curl):

jql=assignee=<the-assignee>+order+by+updated\&startAt=0\&maxResults=1\&expand=changelog\&lastUpdated("by <the-assignee>")

jql=assignee=<the-assignee>+order+by+updated\&startAt=0\&maxResults=1\&expand=changelog\&lastUpdated\("by <the-assignee>"\)

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