Filter Assignee

Naveen Kumar
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February 15, 2024

How to create a filter that shows the list of assignees who worked on the ticket.

Example: If the ticket was initially assigned to A, and then assigned to B. Need to pull the list of assignees who worked on the ticket (Both Assignee A and B)

4 answers

3 votes
Trudy Claspill
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February 15, 2024

Hello @Naveen Kumar 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

That is not possible with native functionality.

Filters are used to select issues and display the current information for the issues. Filtering doesn't let you show historic information for the issues.

There are third party apps in the Atlassian Marketplace that can help you report on issue history, if you are willing to consider that option.

1 vote
Marketplace Partner
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February 15, 2024

Hi @Naveen Kumar 

I want to show you one report that you can create with Issue History for Jira app, developed by my team. Maybe it can help with your request. 

You can track full assignee history for each task in one place and see dates of change. 

Assignee history in Jira.jpg

The app has a free trial and is free for companies with up to 10 users.

*If you need to see assignees for one particular task, you can check the built-in History option under the Activity section.


0 votes
Yuliia Hushcha _Reliex_
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February 19, 2024

Hi @Naveen Kumar 

I could suggest you ActivityTimeline plugin in your case. 

In order to show people that are working on the task in Jira, you may create a “multi-user picker” field and then indicate your additional assignees there.

If you do not have such field yet, here is how you can set it up quickly: 


Now when you assign users in the Collaborators field in the Jira ticket, all the changes will be reflected in Activity Timeline accordingly and the ticket will be automatically split into parts and scheduled on each participant timeline. The remaining Estimate will be equally split between all participants. Here is how it would look on the Jira ticket:


And in ActivityTimeline:



Got any questions or if you think a free demo session would be helpful, we'd be thrilled to set that up for you. 

0 votes
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
February 15, 2024

Hi @Naveen Kumar 

It's Mary from Planyway for Jira 


Creating a filter in JIRA to show a list of all assignees who have worked on a ticket, including those who were previously assigned, requires utilizing JIRA's query language (JQL) and possibly some additional steps, as JIRA's default capabilities focus more on current issue statuses, including the current assignee. Unfortunately, JIRA doesn't directly support a query to list all past and present assignees of a ticket through a simple JQL query due to the way historical data is handled.

However, you can approach this problem in a couple of ways:

1. Using JIRA's Issue History

You can track the history of assignments through the issue history, which records changes to each ticket, including assignee changes. While this doesn't directly answer your question about creating a filter, it's a manual way to see who has worked on a ticket.

2. Advanced Searching with JQL

For automation or creating reports, consider the following workaround using JQL and possibly some scripting or additional tools:

  • Search for Issues with Specific Assignees: You can use JQL to find issues that were assigned to specific users at any point, but this requires knowing the users in advance or running multiple queries.

    project = YOUR_PROJECT AND status WAS "Assigned" BY "username"

3. Use JIRA's API for Detailed Analysis

If you need a comprehensive list of all users who have been assigned to an issue, you might have to use the JIRA API to fetch the issue's history and then extract the assignee information from the change log. This method requires programming knowledge and can be implemented by scripting.

  • Scripting Approach: Write a script that uses the JIRA REST API to fetch issues and then analyze each issue's changelog to extract the assignees. This is the most flexible and powerful method, as it allows for custom processing and can be automated to generate reports.

    Example pseudocode for the approach:

    issues = jira.search_issues('your JQL query here')
    for issue in issues:
    changelog = jira.issue_changelog(
    for history in changelog.histories:
    for item in history.items:
    if item.field == 'assignee':
    print(f"Issue {issue.key} was assigned to {item.toString}")

    This script requires using a JIRA client library for your programming language of choice, such as the JIRA Python library.

4. JIRA Plugins

There are also several JIRA plugins and add-ons available in the Atlassian Marketplace that extend JIRA's reporting and analytics capabilities. Some of these might offer more straightforward solutions for tracking and reporting on assignee history.

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