Edit access rights for a plan

Vikash Kumar March 29, 2024

I am not an admin user in Jira.

I have created a plan and now I am trying to share it with people with edit rights.

But it is not allowing me to do so.

Do I need to be an admin to be able to share edit access to people ? or is there a workaround.

2 answers

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Ste Wright
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March 29, 2024

Hi @Vikash Kumar 

To grant users edit access to your Plan...

  1. Select Plan settings from the left-hand menu
  2. Next, select Permissions under the sub-title "Access Control"
  3. Select which users can Edit your Plan from here.

It might default to "All Plans" users - but you can modify this to "Restricted" and choose users/groups from the field which appears.


If you add a user and they still can't edit the plan, it could also be a global permissions issue.

All non-admin users need the global permission "Plans user" to be granted edit access at a plan-level.

To check/modify these settings, you will need to be a Jira Product Admin, so get one of your team's Admins to check this for you.

Learn more about these permissions here: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/set-permissions-in-advanced-roadmaps/


Let us know if this helps!


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Katrina Lieber March 29, 2024

Hi there, when sharing a plan or a roadmap in Jira, there are often two settings that need to be enabled. One setting is adding users to the edit/admin dropdown of a plan. The other is adding users to the viewers dropdown of the plan. Try adding those users you want to share with to the viewers dropdown AND the editors/admin dropdown(if you want them to have edit access to your plan).

This is also true for any saved filters in Jira. There are viewers and editor dropdowns.


If this doesn't work, the issue may be permission related, in which case, you will need Jira product and/or project admin support. 

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