Cloning JBIZ Tickets without cloning the assignee or other approvers

kpuralasetty November 8, 2019

Many FNC jira ticket types are cloned to cut down on the amount of data entry. When tickets are cloned, the Assignee, Reporter, and approver/manager is inherited from the source ticket. It would be ideal if these fields were blank. Often times the users cloning can not remove the assignee of a ticket, and don't know who the ticket should be assigned to. This is creating confusion when working tickets.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 9, 2019

Cloning does what it says - it makes a near identical clone of an issue.  The whole point of cloning is that it takes assignee, reporter, manager and all the other fields.

I would very strongly recommend that if you want a copy of an issue with different fields, create a new one and put the right data on it.  Stop using clone.

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