Can i create task in my project and keep it dormant until a report comes and then make it active?

Shivank Rana March 11, 2024

I am doing reviews of test plans with stakeholders, some people want to see i.e. pressure test reports or surveys. I want to create task/s in my project to manage them as the reports will be in bulk and assign them to the assignee for review once it gets delivered by the vendor - FYI these reports will be delivered at a later stage. 

Question - Can I create a placeholder task and assign in to an individual and keep it dormant until I receive the report and then make the workflow active?

In other words - Can a task in JIRA sit dormant until i make it active once needed?

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Trudy Claspill
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March 11, 2024

Hello @Shivank Rana 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Can you provide more information on what it means to you that a task is "dormant" vs. "active"?

Tasks have Statuses. The Task may be initially set to a "To Do" status for instance. Later, when actually begins it may be changed to an "In Progress" status.

How would being "dormant" be different from being in a "To Do" status?

Shivank Rana March 11, 2024

Dormant would be like a task place holder 'not active workflow'
Active would be now the test report is available for review 'active workflow'

Dormant would be different than To-Do:
To-do is assigned to an individual and he/she needs to perform it in a certain amount of time.
Whereas dormant would be - There will be a task for this individual to review when there is a report delivered against it in the future. But there is a placeholder of the task existing that will can be made active once there is a report. 
I hope this makes sense.


Trudy Claspill
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March 11, 2024

You cannot have a task that is disconnected from all Workflows. Every task must have a status, and the status comes from the Workflow associated with the issue type of the task.

With what type of project(s) are you working? Find that information under Projects > View all projects looking in the Type  column for your project.

If you are working with a Team Managed project that would impact the available options.


Here are some options:

You could add another status to your workflow to indicate a "dormant" state for the task. Depending on your project type, you may be able to hide issues in that status from view.

You could create the "dormant" task as another type of issue than you use for your "active" tasks. When the task should become "active" you can convert it to the issue type used for active tasks. Depending on your project type, you may be able to hide issues of that type from view.

You could create the "dormant" task  in a different project that is not shown in the board/reports of "active" tasks. When the task should become "active" you can move it from the dormant task project to the active tasks project.

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Shivank Rana March 11, 2024

@Trudy Claspill Thanks. I will use that approach.

Trudy Claspill
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March 11, 2024

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