Bulk close issues

Anna Konieczna September 18, 2022


How to bulk close all issues under closed epic? 

2 answers

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Mohamed Benziane
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September 19, 2022


If you already know which issue you need to close you can use the bulk edit option. If you need to make a search for those issues you'll need an addon like Scriptrunner or create a script using the api to find all issues you need to close.

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Callum Carlile _Automation Consultants_
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September 19, 2022

Hi @Anna Konieczna 

You should be able to search for these issues using a JQL such as:

"Epic Link" = [issuekeyofepic] and statusCategory != Done

This will find all of the issues in your epic which aren't in a 'Done' (green in colour) status. You can then use the bulk edit feature to transition all of these to whichever status you wish, assuming that your workflow allows the transition from the original statuses

Anna Konieczna September 22, 2022

Hi, @Callum Carlile _Automation Consultants_ but I have  6000 epics... :/ so in that case I will be forced to enter manually 6000 numbers in the field:

Callum Carlile _Automation Consultants_
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September 25, 2022

@Anna Konieczna So you need to bulk close all issues under 6000 epics? Is there anything that these 6000 epics have in common that all other epics don't? You would need some kind of search/filter required in order to grab these epics so that you can delete all of the issues within them.

If you've got 6000 epics then this sounds like you would need some kind of script which deletes the issues over the API, but you would need some kind of search to find these epics in order to do that

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