Automation rule not working on trigger label update if label is updated by another automation rule

Garn February 29, 2024


I'm working on two automation rules to flag SubTask C in the following case : 

- Task A

- Sub Task B with deliverable types = VisioIHM and status = done

- Sub Task C with deliverable types = SwDS DDU

For information, these subtasks are not subtask of the task A, but have a link "is child of" the task A. This is the relation link i'm using into my automation rule.


In my first rule, what I'm doing is when Status of Subtask B -> Done and my Subtask B has a Deliverable Types = VisioIHM, then I add a label on my Task A "Flagged". 

In my second rule, I'm checking when a Task has a new label "Flagged", if it has a subtask with a deliverable types "SwDS DDU", then I flag my subtask C "SwDS DDU" with a label "Flagged".


Both rules are working separately :

-If I add manually the label "Flagged" into my Task A, then my subtask C has the new label "Flagged".

-If I put my subtask B to done, then my task A is updated with the label.


My problem is when I try to used the two automation rules together without adding manually the label "Flagged" into my task A. If I put my subtask B to done, then my task A is updated with the label, but my Subtask C is not.


Audit log says it triggers the label update, but issue A is not matching the condition : 

Not matching condition.PNG


When I check on my issue A, I can find the right label updated by the automation 1:



Do you know why these 2 rules can't work together ?

Could you help me please?



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Mark Segall
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February 29, 2024

Hi @Garn - By default rules will not daisy chain.  However, on your second rule you can navigate to Rule Details and at the bottom check the box next to:

Check to allow other rule actions to trigger this rule. Only enable this if you need this rule to execute in response to another rule.


Garn March 8, 2024

Thank you Mark!

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