Automation Rule

Casey Enderlein March 5, 2024


Trying to capture an automation rule to flag "when issue status (e.g., in progress, done, ready for production, etc.) and resolution status (e.g., resolved) are not in sync > then send email to assignee". I am having trouble testing the rule I created... I have a test project I can use, however not sure to mark resolution as 'done'.

My rule is as follows:

1.) When issue transitioned (from any status to): ready for production, intake, intake pending, cancelled, test, on hold, awaiting approval, blocked, to do, intake hold

2.) Issue field condition: Resolution status equals 'done'

3.) Then send email: to notify assignee


Right now I have a task as 'in progress', and would like to mark as resolved to test this automation, however unsure how to make this task appear as 'resolved'?

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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March 5, 2024

Hi @Casey Enderlein 

You can add a transition screen to your transition (also loop back to that one transition) and on the transition screen, add the field Resolution. Then entering a value for the Resolution becomes mandatory.


Casey Enderlein March 7, 2024

thank you!

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