Archiving Done tickets

sakina kanchwala
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March 6, 2024


Is it possible to Archive the "DONE" Jira tickets, The solution I have found until now is to create a new board for archiving the tickets and moving the tickets there?

1. If we can archive the tickets without creating a board, can we set a rule so that "DONE" tickets will directly mover to archive.

2. if it can be only done by Archiving it in another board, can we set a rule so that "DONE" Tickets will directly move to that board.


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John Funk
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March 6, 2024

Hi Sakina - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

By archive - do you mean just remove them from the board? 

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Nikola Perisic
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March 6, 2024

Welcome to the community @sakina kanchwala !

Currently, you can only archive the projects in Jira not the issues them selves.

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