About team logs

Romain Dubousquet
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February 26, 2024

Good afternoon,

I am a Jira admin in my organization and we're currently undergoing huge changes that heavily involve of the "Teams" feature in Jira.

Last friday, I turned off my laptop after adding more than 300 people in nearly 30 different teams, half of them I created the same day. To my great surprise, I noticed this morning that most of the changes I made 3 days ago didn't match at all what I did - even though I tracked my work on a separate document.

Even if I know that people can add or remove themselves from said teams with few or without any restrictions, there's so many changes that happened over the weekend that I find it almost impossible that so many people removed themselves from teams or managed to be added in by others - especially in an organization as big as ours and during holidays. 

Since I did it all by myself, it feels like a fever dream because I don't think I could have done so many mistakes at once but I still can't fathom what could have happened.

So, my question will be : Is there a tool (like a log for "Teams" or something similar) that could help me know what happened between friday and today ? If not, do you happen to have some way at Atlassian to check what could have been done in our instance regarding the "Teams" ? And lastly, if the feature is not available yet, do you plan to release it anytime soon ?

Since the moment I became aware of this issue, I haven't modified the teams involved and I am waiting for your answer to decide on the next course of action. I wish I could have provided you with before/after screenshots but I didn't think this would have been relevant since I didn't know that would happen.

Thank you for reading, have a good day.

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Trudy Claspill
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February 26, 2024

Hello @Romain Dubousquet 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Changes to Teams are not reported in either the Jira application Audit Log nor the Organization Security Audit Log.

I found this change request asking for a way to see who created a team:


...and this one asking for a trash bin for deleted Teams from which a deleted Team could be recovered.


Both of these issues have only 1 vote, though they are 7-9 months old. Because of that I would guess they are not high on the list for being implemented.

Romain Dubousquet
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 27, 2024

Hello @Trudy Claspill thank you very much for your insight :)


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